
phpexcel.net make excel using php

Today I was going to make excel using script from phpexcel.net!! this site give some example but is kinda like debug than a sample.. Then I make my own script using this.. I create 3 script..
Upload script, make excel and make excel using what we type!
the third will be in another post.

first I want to give you the upload script? this is very simple upload script
you can view the script in here (just simple form)
about the output.. I think is very simple.. and you don't need to use it right now

sry if I'm not give in here.. because the script will make problem when I type in here.

this is the script
how to use..
download the script.. if you don't found it or confuse.. just comment in here.
Run the script in your webhost.. this is the output. just click number 1. I want the number 2 work.. but is failed (sry)
this is the report how the script work. Is different in your place, soo please see if there is any error?!
click the link below and you have the excel.

for full code.. click here

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