
I wanna be The Guy

You can donwload in here ( http://kayin.pyoko.org ) and this is the Screenie

Ups!! wrong Screenie .. hehehe..

This game rate as the HARDEST GAME EVER.. actualy the worst is there is no end..
*when he go to finish.. a fruit drop to him and game over*
 He versus not only weird enemy, but giant to.. Just think

beberapa pendapat yg memainkannya
main "i wanna be the guy" bang, memacu adrenalin bgt kalau jantung ga kuat bisa shock kalau mental ga kuat bisa stroke pas main 
saya main game itu stage 1 1/7nya aja ngak kelar2 freaking hard
itu game bikin dongkol
dia sukanya emang game sejenis itu bang
tapi tetep chou aniki favorit dia
saya main game itu stage 1 1/7nya aja ngak kelar2 freaking hard
Source: Original.

1 komentar:

b123 mengatakan...

this game was fuckin hard LOL

1 minggu main stage 1 jg ngak kelar2 LOL