
Gaiking Movie and my Mothership Homework

I Kinda Shock read and see, Gaiking the Movie is on the move. And more shocking was, the pilot is Female!!

or alien?

Actualy I don't care.. since I don't have thinking for this moment about that.

A few Weeks (or perhaps short while), I will have homework to created 3d Base for my workshop on Hellomotion
For some folks is not hard to create 3d (I'm talking about create from scratch), since HM teach me well.. but I must learn by reading from the book to achive more and more knowledge in 3D

Okay return to my homework, I want to build Mothership in Gaiking. And I begin from the Knive!?!

It looks fail to me.. since I use Spline and make at least near like I see in the figure!! *I have the figure*
But after see the anime and game.. There is no Knive in there *face palm* not only that Problem I face!! I create this using spline and have problem to edit it to be more like I wanted, You see.. the knive is not sharp and is not good.. Actualy is okay, since next project I will not add the knives.

After reading the Bible.. I mean this Bible

I realize to make everything from box not using spline *facepalm*

oh well.. better luck next time.. and I need to learn ASAP.. I think I should ask the tutor about my project, hope he help me out..
sempat shock karena Gaiking the movie pilotnya cewek?
kebetulan gw ada tugas bikin 3d walau gk dikasi sekarang.. trus kepikiran bikin pesawatnya Gaiking.. saat ini baru bikin pisonya dulu (gk ketemu gbr yg ada pisonya) baru mulai blank en baru kepikiran.. lebih baik bikinnya bukan pake garis tp pake kotak lalu di bentuk *facepalm*

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