
Dragon Nest

First Play the game.. it fell like play Basara (PS2), the speed and pace is make your adrenalin race!! Don't Worry about enemy, there a lot to kill and fast.. You should kill before they killed you.

First you enter the DN realm, you ask about your avatar, what job he/she have and what should you become next? You can coose from
  • Warior
  • archer
  • Cleric
  • Sorceress 
everyone have unique ability and weakness. for Beginner, try Warrior and then try Archer, Sorceress or Cleric. Then after a few while, the avatar will turn into next class like Acrobat,Sword master, etc

The game contain quest, party and PVP. And the portal that will transfer you to place you desire. The portal is not send you to one place only, you can choose your desire and same as you level. You can choose higher level or less level.

Action is the reason you should play the game. Languages kinda annoying here, because you perhaps have the game from non-english country. But that's not down the gamer!!

The fans able to play this without english /langugages problem because the game have english patch, soo if he/she (NPC) speak, we still understand what he want to do. But if you dislike to play like this, there are another way.

 this is how to play SEA server, if your place Blocked
  1. Register into shieldexchange.com
  2. confirm your email
  3. login with your username
  4. download supported application on https://us.shieldexchange.com/?src=portal&reauth=silent
  5. run your game

this setting make your connection kinda lagging.. but is worthed after you play the game.
regis dlu di www.shieldexchange.com dan disuruh konfrm ke email agan trus login pake id baru disitu

langsung donlod sopwer pendukung di https://us.shieldexchange.com/?src=portal&reauth=silent langsung install ke pc

ane dah coba, lumyan nyaman ping paling rendah dibanding pvn lain

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