
Cake PHP : Get know with this food?

Welcome to my Tutorial for cake. This tutorial will show you to build simple blog using cake php.Since this for begginer. I think you need to view the movie (not create by me) to gain more knowledge. I give the movie from tutorial 6, because the important are from that movie. If you like.. add the movie to your list.
For every tutorial, everything begin with download the source.. The source can be download from the web. Then upload the code to your php working directory!! I put in

 c:\php\kerjaan4\cakephp .

And from this page, I will explain you about the beginning. After I succed to install.. I begin my lesson.

Done extracting file
There will be error.. in my workplace, the error only 3!! but is probably different in your place?
Let's Edit core.php
Go and edit core.php. The place (app\config)

Edit your debug
 Search and edit this line
Configure::write('debug', 2);
Since this tutorial for begginer, just skip this.. but if you want to less the reporting (error).. try to  change to 0 or 1.
Change your Security into another security. for the chiperseed, use numeric only. After this.. the error above will gone.

Next let's edit database.

  • Rename database.php.default into database.php
  • reload your browser

something wrong here? actualy nothing wrong.. You forgot to edit the database. Open the database.php then edit it..
Database configuration
This is my config.. this will different like yours
After that make sure your database is correct and reload the browser.
 But this is not finish yet.. Let's continue
How about make yourself a page
According to the line. We can make our own pages. Let's go to

  1. then create home.ctp 
  2. open it 
  3. and make sure read as php

 Type what you like in there
Reload the browser and you will see this
nice job!!
Actualy.. In the future, we will face error.. How about create error warning like this
Error Page
I type like this one
Error source

Next we will make simple blog
Source: Original.

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